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Referee Information

Become a Youth Official for the 2024-25 Hockey Season!

ERYHA is looking for Mite Referees!

Boys and Girls that are 10 years and older can help referee Mite/U8 games!

What is required: 

  • The level 1 referee course completed for 2024-25 (only Virtual for this season). All Virtual registration closes October 31 2024. 
  • USA Hockey membership (as a Referee)
  • Striped Referee shirt with current year's crest
  • Referee Whistle
  • Plain black athletic pants (no ER or other logos on them)
  • Helmet with half-shield
  • Certification fees will be reimbursement at the end of the season

Once you complete you referee training please contact the referee coordinator to be placed on the Mite / U8 Referee list for this year.

USA Hockey 2017-2025 Rulebook

click for the downloadable app

Need to find referees for scrimmages?

All Squirt/10Us and above levels must have District 10 referees for scrimmages.  Teams are responsible to pay Referees. Complete the form below and email it to the contact listed. Make sure you schedule 2 refs and submit your request early!



Marlin Haney

Marlin Haney

Referee Coordinator