Names and ticket numbers are listed below. Winnings will be distributed in May 2025.
Frosty Hickman #08136
Pat Donnelly #00343
Ashley Pflager #11343
Anna Lukkari #06277
Ethan Allen #00162
Aimee Thomas #09806
Darrell Alcott #04966
Clint Uhrich #10332
Jason Jorgenson #05471
Jess Moberg #05463
Tina Ketter #08838
Shannon Snyder #07751
Julia Gerard #10584
Briana Wilcox #10953
Gregg Brass #03719
Doug Miller #06655
Gloria Pflager #07857
Jenna Menth #08008
Joe Maciej #06339
Tom Hickey #03309
Jason Schulz #08862
Rich Markham #03935
Tina Person #00337
Tom Carlson #05299
Dan Sweney #09643
Bruce Brown #01081
Tara Cartelli #01474
Silva #09082
The Koehlers #05840
Katie Nelson #07218
St. Clair #09317
Aaron Ueker #10107
Chris Hanson #04017
Steve Boskowitz #11115
Katie Jensen #05191
J. Smullen #08988
John Berg #00719
Steve Teske #11289
Dani Ensminger #05883
Carrie Hanson #04082
Nick & Amber Vandeusen #10348
Tara Cartelli #01473
J. Anderson #05502
Kris Strafer #01517
Budziak #10993
Morgan Horton #05066
Jennifer Smith #08791
Jason Gustufson #03729
Barry Smith #09195
Ron Goertz #00432
Cindy Bassett #00405
Deanna Nelson #07150
Amanda Drysdale #02420
Melissa Lerberg #06075
Colin Robinson #08416
Sarah Cyrus #02012
Cash Christenson #01672
The Koehlers #05836
Ray & Pat Pederson #03292
Deanna Nelson #07130
Toni Hasser #07028
Thiesen #09725
Travis Ehlenfeldt #06819
Heather Gates Peterson #07832
Deb Ross #08503
Barry Smith #09187
Dawn Doll #02286
Leslie Reed #09055
Clint Uhrich #10335
Barb Gustafson #03676
John Bakos #05245
Jeff Wallenfelt #10544
Cam Sturm #09603
Todd Maloney #06391
Jenna Lofquist #06177
Nancy Vandenberg #03622
Mike Nelson #07264
Donovan Herrboldt #04518
Martha Ablschloe #01541
Jenna Lofquist #06179
Ed Peterson #04865
Bruce Brown #01076
The Franes #03150
Katie Nelson #07204
Charlie Ringold #08314
Kim Meyer #08926
Brian Nast #06952
Jason Gustafson #03736
Roxy Ingbretson #04842
Woodsworth #11090
Mark Fabian #02665
Joe Hazeman #04398
Tami Shinder #09544
Ryan Signore #09039
Nick Peterson #06126
Theisen #09714
Erik Nelson #07099
Rene Engh #01430
Beth Donelson #02347
Jake Fleming #02861
Tibbetts #09935
Sarah Haton #00660
Molly Toft #09971
Rachel Presler #11127
Bruce Brown #01085
Debbie Danielson #06703
Kristin Braucks #08100
Stroh #06053
Jaffrey Wallenfelt #10546
If there are questions regarding contact information listed on the ticket, the ERYHA family who was assigned the ticket will be contacted.
Raffle pick up dates will be in November this year to accomodate the later registration deadlines for Mites, Jr Gold, and U15.
Pre Payment is REQUIRED for raffle pick up (you keep what you sell). Cash or check accepted, checks must be written from ERYHA Member.
RAFFLE PICK UP (Times to be determined)
November 7th 5:00 - 8:00pm - at Elk River High School Postive Coaching Alliance Workshop
November 9th - 11:00am - 2:00pm
November 11th - 6:00-9:00pm
November 13th - 6:00-9:00pm
November 16th - 9:00am-3:00pm
November 17th - 9:00am - 2:00pm
Final Pick Up November 25 5:00-8:00pm
The Elk River Youth Hockey Dropbox is located in the entryway of Furniture and Things Community and Event Center.
Please drop your raffles by 11/30/24.
Thank you & good luck!
Hockey Families: Raffle ticket drop off is due by 11/30/24 at the arena dropbox. Place your tickets in the envelope provided when you picked up tickets & placed your deposit. Do NOT return any payment as you prepaid. Thank you & good luck!
If you paid by check for raffle pick up the ERYHA Gambling Manager will be depositing them in December. An exact deposit date will be sent via email prior to depositing.
Thank you & GOOD LUCK!
What is it?
The Elk River Youth Hockey Raffle has been a long-standing and important part of the Elk River tradition.
What's involved?
Sammy Perrella's Pizza & Restaurant
19232 Evans St NW, Elk River, MN 55330
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
All winners will be drawn with prizes ranging from $100 up to $2000. All prizes will be mailed to the winners by May 31, 2025.
Going the Extra Mile
A great option for Family Fundraising is to sell extra raffle tickets. For any extra raffle tickets you sell, you will accumulate $4 per ticket in credit to be applied to your ERYHA SportsEngine account as a credit back to the card you registered for hockey with or a check sent to you.
*Please note: Extra raffles must be sold in groups of five. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact
Another way you can have your fees waived is by becoming a sponsor, find out how more here.
ERYHA Charitable Gambling MN License #B-01536
Info and basic rules:
Drawing will be held at:
Sammy Perrella's Pizza
19232 Evans Street NW
Elk River, MN 55330
IMPORTANT: Raffles stubs MUST be returned to ERYHA in the provided envelope by November 30, 2024