Head Coach
Phone: 763-464-1812
Assistant Coach
Assistant Coach
Assistant/Goalie Coach
Team Manager
A block of 16 rooms has been booked under "Elk River Hockey" at the Quality Inn of Bemidji for Jan 11-13. The rate is $119 per night and you will need to call them at (218) 444-7700 by Tuesday, Dec 11 to reserve your individual rooms. After that date the rooms will go back into the open reservation pool, so make sure you get it done before then!
Team Managers: Please DO NOT add, delete or edit any rosters without going through the Rostering coordinator or the Registrar. Please submit complete contact information (First & Last Name, email and phone number) & USA Hockey registration numbers for all coaches & managers involved in the team to ERYHARostering@outlook.com
Team Managers: The ERYHA Ice Scheduler will load your team's practice & game schedule into the automated system. Please contact the ice scheduler with questions: eryhaicescheduler@gmail.com