Jr Gold Registration
Where can i find updated information on the Jr Gold Season?
What is happening?
- Jr Gold Registration is now open and will remain open through November 17th, 2024.
What do I need to do?
- Go to Elk River website and complete the registration process.
- Please email the director Kris Helm and indicate if your player intends to play hockey this year.
What is Jr Gold?
- The Jr. Gold league is a competitive hockey league with approximately 80 to 100 teams participating around the state. There are three levels of play A, B, and 16U.
- The Jr. Gold league is administered by the Metro Hockey League under the MN Hockey umbrella for High School age kids. (more information here)
- Each team will have 24 league games, and a total of 35 -40 games over the season.
How many teams will Elk River have this year?
- Elk River has not declared teams yet this season. I expect 2 or 3 teams depending on the responses I get.
When are the Preskates and Tryouts?
- Pre-skates & Tryouts are posted under Tryout Central tab of the website, you must be registered for JG prior to attending pre-skates.
Pre-skates will be Oct 22nd & 29th , Nov 5th , 12th & 19th. - Tryouts will be Nov 20th -22nd, 2024. Ice times will be listed on the tryout page.
If I have more questions, who can I contact?